Dream Gestation

Dream WS
A two day introduction to dream gestation intended for individuals, who want to deepen their relationship with their own dreams, and therapists of all persuasions who want to integrate dreams into their work with clients. This introduction consists of experiential exercises and the learning of specific skills to engage with and develop a deeper relationship with dreams. We focus on inquiry, rather than theory, although there will be some theoretical input as to the nature of dreams and how they may inform us in waking life.

This approach to dreams developed after many years of engaging with personal dreams and working with dreams with clients. It draws from the western psychological tradition, along with indigenous and eastern approaches. Rather than rushing to interpret dreams ‘dream gestation’ focuses on developing a living dialogue with dream figures and the present moment exploration of dream landscapes. You will be introduced to concepts such as ‘the dreamer’ as a a fundamental intelligence at work in the depth of the psyche, the ‘dreaming’ as a field of interconnected activity in which we all participate and the inner world of the body as a source of wisdom in developing dream awareness.

  • DATES:
    14th - 15th December 2024
  • VENUE:
    Potential Space, Centre for Pre and Prenatal Studies, Unit F, Rennison’s Yard, 24 Picton Lane, Montpelier, Bristol BS6 5EB
  • COST:
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