Healing the Earth, Healing Ourselves – An Introduction to Sacred Ecology

A 2 day introduction to sacred ecology. Modern life has deeply disturbed our relationship with the Earth, but the ‘archaic whisper’ of our ancestral, indigenous roots is still accessible to us. The workshop is intended for anyone who wishes to explore the edge between inner nature and outer nature. It is both a spiritual and an ecological quest.

On this two day workshop participants are taught to connect with their fluid animal body and to expand awareness so as to develop an interactive and healing relationship with the Earth. Seeing the world through the eyes of the Shaman and connecting with ancestral wisdom are central themes to this introduction to sacred ecology. The workshop is based in the village of Stanton Drew and include visits to the Stanton Drew stone circle and will involve some shamanic drumming to help participants to access deeper states of consciousness.

Whilst the emphasis of the workshop is largely experiential there will be some theoretical input. This will include

  • How earth and atmospheric energies interact with our biological energy
  • The nature of animism and the anima mundi or world soul
  • What we know of what the ancients knew when they created the sites such as Stanton Drew stone circle
  • How the ‘archaic whisper’ of the ancestors may be encoded in ancient site and within us
  • The way in which the ‘imaginal’ functions as a lost sense which we can reclaim and use to interact with the anima mundi
  • DATES:
    No dates for 2023
  • VENUE:
    The Parish Hall, Sandy Lane, Stanton Drew, nr. Bristol, BS39 4EL.
  • COST:
    £180 - including £50 deposit (course code: HE).
    Conscious Embodiment Trainings
    25 Nottingham Road
    Bristol BS7 9DH

    Tel: 0117 904 4356

    E-mail: info@conscious-embodiment.co.uk
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