Courses and Workshops
Our experiential courses and workshops are open to everyone and range from four modular residential courses to weekend Prenatal and Birth Process workshops. We also run a two-day workshop in Sacred Ecology once a year. All our experiential workshops work with embodied processes to access the wisdom of the body and integrate this into conscious awareness.

These two day workshops are limited to six participants. They are largely experiential and work with embodied process to explore how our prenatal and birth experiences may be unconsciously influencing us in our adult lives. Individual sessions are supported by the empathic holding of the group.

This one day workshop is suitable for conventional and alternative health care practitioners, including doulas, midwives, health visitors, nurses, bodyworkers, psychologists, psychotherapists etc. Also suitable for parents, educators and anyone who is interested in how birth may have a life-long impact on us.
A four day residential course, explores how our first relationship, which is mediated prenatally by the umbilical cord influences all subsequent relationships. The course is largely experiential, supporting participants to explore how their experience of what came through the umbilical cord prenatally and at birth set up survival strategies that still operate unconsciously in later life. This is especially evident in our relationship with food, money and intimacy. With an emphasis on safety and containment participants are supported to research their own unique experience through regressive exercises and find new possibilities alongside the survival strategies they learnt prenatally. The experiential work is supported by some theoretical teaching.

A four day residential course, exploring the impact prenatal and birth experience at the level of the soul. The course is largely experiential, supporting participants to explore how their prenatal and birth experience undermined their capacity to embody all they could be. With an emphasis on safety and containment participants are supported to research their own unique experience through regressive exercises and to reclaim what was lost to them. The experiential work is supported by some theoretical input drawing from pre- and perinatal psychology and the understanding of soul loss in shamanic cultures.
We offer online workshops, and an on-going programme of one day Practitioner CPD workshops in Bristol covering a diversity of subjects. The workshops combine practical and theoretical input to support practitioner confidence in clinical practice. Some of these workshops are only open to qualified Craniosacral Therapists and Cranial Osteopaths. Others are open to practitioners from other disciplines as well.

A 2 day introduction to sacred ecology. Modern life has deeply disturbed our relationship with the Earth, but the ‘archaic whisper’ of our ancestral, indigenous roots is still accessible to us. The workshop is intended for anyone who wishes to explore the edge between inner nature and outer nature. It is both a spiritual and an ecological quest.
A four day, largely experiential, residential course with an emphasis on safety and containment, participants are supported to research their own unique experience through regressive exercises and find new possibilities alongside the survival strategies they learnt prenatally. The experiential work is supported by some theoretical teaching.

A two day introduction to dream gestation intended for individuals, who want to deepen their relationship with their own dreams, and therapists of all persuasions who want to integrate dreams into their work with clients. This introduction consists of experiential exercises and the learning of specific skills to engage with and develop a deeper relationship with dreams. We focus on inquiry, rather than theory, although there will be some theoretical input as to the nature of dreams and how they may inform us in waking life.

This residential course consists of 4 modules, each 4 days long. It provides a safe and caring container to enable participants to engage with how our birth and womb experience impacts us somatically, psychologically and spiritually. The course provides participants with the opportunity for theoretical learning, experiential exploration and personal healing.

This 8 module training combines seminar style teaching, demonstrations of working with babies and families, group discussion and experiential exercises. It is intended for practitioners already working with babies and their families, who wish to deepen their understanding of how babies and infants communicate their prenatal and birth experience and to work therapeutically with early trauma. It is also relevant to therapists who wish to understand the impact of the pre and perinatal period in the lives of older children, adolescents and adults. Previous participants have included midwives, doulas, craniosacral therapists, osteopaths, paediatricians, paediatric nurses, lactation consultants, massage therapists, body psychotherapists, psychologists and ante-natal yoga teachers.
This residential course consists of 4 modules, each 4 days long. It provides a safe and caring container to enable participants to engage with the formative templates of how we embody. These are the templates of sperm, egg, conception and implantation. Each of these templates imprints us with archetypal themes, which shape us to become who we are. The course provides participants with the opportunity for theoretical learning, experiential exploration and personal healing.