Transitions to Wholeness
Book by Matthew Appleton

Transitions to Wholeness: Integrating Prenatal, Transpersonal and Somatic Psychology, is the outcome of more than two decades of dedicated research work and clinical practice as a psychotherapist and craniosacral therapist working therapeutically with womb and birth experience.
Price: £35
This book is also available from
Summerhill: A Free Range Childhood
Book by Matthew Appleton

Summerhill: A Free Range Childhood – Self Regulation at Summerhill School, provides an insightful account of Matthew’s nine years as a houseparent. Established by A.S. Neill in the 1920s, Summerhill is one of the most famous schools in the world. This book has been published in several languages.
Price: £14.95
This book is also available from
Baby Body Language – An Overview
Video by Matthew Appleton

Matthew Appleton demonstrates prenatal and birth related body language.
This video is intended for students and graduates of the Integrative Baby Therapy Training only. It is not intended to be used for diagnostic or therapeutic use out of context of the training.
Price: £20
Prenatal Twin Loss – A Therapeutic Enigma
Video by Matthew Appleton

Many therapists dismiss their clients experience when they describe the sense of having lost a twin prenatally. There is often a strong emotional charge which accompanies the experience, which then has nowhere to go. The aim of this talk is to inform therapists, so they can better support clients.
This product is for unlimited streaming only, not for download.
This recording is for professional use by registered counsellors, psychotherapists and other mental health professionals, such as clinical psychologists. It is licensed for viewing by individual practitioners for CPD and for informing and developing their practice. Public / group viewings, reproduction as moving or still images or reproduction of extracted text are all strictly prohibited. Purchasers are agreeing to respect and maintain the confidentiality of the persons involved in the case studies depicted. Any infringements will be vigorously pursued.
© Matthew Appleton 2020